The Best Online AI Quiz Maker for Educators

Generate Interactive quizzes and questions in seconds
Multiple choice | Open Ended | True and False | Reading Comprehension | Blooms Taxonomy QuestionsQuizizz AI makes advanced generative artificial intelligence technology, trained on our library of millions of teacher-created activities, accessible to hundreds of thousands of educators each month. Generate questions, quizzes, and slides in seconds to deliver through our interactive learning platform that grades student work for you! Plan in minutes, not weekends for formative assessment, interactive lessons, independent practice, test prep, or exams. Adapt your content to various reading levels,grade levels, languages, or real-world scenarios to personalize learning for every student.

How Quizizz AI Quiz Generator Works

  • Create and Adapt – Makes Quizzes and slides instantly. Adapts existing quizzes and adjusts to your students’ needs.

    Use AI to create quizzes, exams, slides, lessons and assessments. Use either your existing content or generate from text or prompts!
  • Transform existing material – Transform anything into a quiz or slides, from anywhere. Upload files like PDFs, DOCs, and PPTs to create assessments and exams. Works on Google Docs, slides and PDFs too!
  • Transform YouTube Videos into Quizzes and slides – Paste a Youtube link or use the Chrome Extension to create quizzes from YouTube videos
  • Multiple question types – Generate multiple choice, true or false, open ended or reading comprehension style questions. You can convert existing questions into drag and drop, drop down, match, reorder or categorize questions
  • Personalize – Customize your quizzes and slides to your exact needs. Set a number of questions you want to create and adjust grade and reading levels to generate exactly what you need or edit and enhance them after creation.
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Transform any website into a quiz with the Chrome Extension

Download the Chrome Extension from the Chrome store and turn any website into a quiz or a reading comprehension question!

Generate Quizzes from text

Paste extracts from your material or enter any prompt or topic to generate questions and process your answers with AI!

Make quizzes from YouTube

Generate entire quizzes from any YouTube video that has transcripts in seconds!

Generate Quizzes with AI from Google Slides, docs, and PDFs

Generate questions from Google Drive or upload documents to create quizzes with AI!

Create Quizzes from website links

Have favorite go-to websites? Now, use AI to create from publicly accessible websites!

Create Quizzes from Documents

Have curriculum you need to create from or downloaded PPTs, docs and pdfs? Create quizzes in seconds with AI!

AI Question Generator

Have an old quiz already? Generate questions from a certain topic and add them to your quiz, too!

Auto-convert questions with AI

Convert MCQs to Fill in the blanks, Drag and Drop, Drop down or True and False questions!


What is Quizizz AI Question and Quiz Generator?

How do I access Quizizz AI?

How do I generate quiz questions from a Text block?

How do I then generate questions or quiz questions from a prompt?

How do I generate quiz questions from a document or file?

How do I generate quiz questions from a url or a YouTube link?

How do I use the Chrome Extension?

When should I use the AI to enhance or adapt a quiz?

What can Quizizz AI do?

How does Quizizz AI to generate questions and enhance questions?

What languages can Quizizz AI recognize and translate to? 

What are the best practices that I should apply to my use of Quizizz AI (beta)?

Why isn’t the AI working on my Quiz, prompt, document, url etc.?

How is Quizizz AI moderated to ensure safe use?

How is my data used?

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Time to make your Quizzes infinitely cooler in half the time!

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