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Read how Montefiore Institute from NY supercharged their EMTs trainings

Quizizz helped Montefiore Institute reform their EMC program in a way that ensured candidates show progress week-on-week


  • Candidate performance improved week on week
  • EMTs from 11 hospitals and 300 off site-centers trained and assessed over Quizizz
  • EMT trainings changed from classroom courses into interactive, gamified blended-learning sessions
  • Automated scoring and reporting saves over 60 man-hours per trainer through the 5 month training course. 

Montefiore Institute’s Challenges:

  1. Training and certification of EMT staff is a 5-month process, with detailed, elaborate content standardized by the government organizations. Keeping our trainees engaged throughout the course was our top-most problem.
  2. Our training content exists in the form of text-books, with mandatory readings before each session. But there was no way to track or measure the adherence and understanding of pre-reads. 
  3. EMTs need to be trained on medical equipment. Traditional written assessments make it hard for us to gauge the trainees' learning and competence with medical equipment.
  4. The existing rubric of written exams at the end of the 5-month long course doesn't give us insights on the effectiveness of our course program.
  5. We tried doing on-paper quizzes every week, but the entire process of manually creating the test, assessing them and collating results made it hard for us to do it for every session.

The Quizizz Solution:

  1. The Montefiore Institute team adapted their chapter-wise training module into pre-class assessments, based on each session's pre-requisite readings. 
  2. The assessments included multiple question types supported by Quizizz, including labelling, match and reorder.
  3. The certification rubric was modified to include the scores from the quizzes hosted each class, and dedicated scores were assigned for in-training engagement.

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